The encryption of WhatsApp is not as safe as it seems, Telegram more than once have been targeted in that aspect, and although Signal is recommended by figures such as Edward Snowden for its high level of security, still has no transfer Files, or video calls.
It is there perhaps where an application like Wire could capitalize. Launched in early 2016, the messaging client has not made much noise yet. It is an open source project, based in Switzerland, hosted in the European Union and protected by its laws, has full end-to-end encryption, is free, available on multiple devices and systems and has encrypted voice and video calls.
Wire says it wants to be different, do not want to be another service or network that uses all the information we share to sell products and show us personalized advertising. They think we should be able to communicate if we have to leave our information private at all of the data collection banks we are submitting to today.
The text, voice, video and content shared on Wire is always encrypted either 1:1 or in groups, so all your conversations are private and secure. Wire does not store encryption keys and ensure that there are no backdoors in your software, your data is yours and only you can access it. Users can verify the identity of others if they wish, thanks to their unique digital key.
Text messages and images use OTR end-to-end encryption. Voice calls use the WebRTC standard. All encryption works in the background and does not need to be activated by the user to avoid the complexity of many secure applications of this type.
Wire is open source, and its code is available on GitHub under a GPL license, in addition to this they regularly publish transparency reports in which they reveal details of requests received by the authorities.
It is a truly complete application, you can install it on iOS, Android, windows, Mac, Linux or use it from the web. It has a nice and easy to use interface, it has all the basic functions you would expect from a modern messaging client and more. It is safe and private and quite transparent in its development. It only has that little flaw that everyone is very quick to aim: nobody uses it. Well, if you are interested in what they offer you can start to try.