The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

With the job market tougher than ever, it might be tempting to tell a few fibs on your CV. It might get yours to the top of the pile if you embellish your achievements or cover up some absences from your job history with activities that are less than the truth. However, liars and cheaters will undoubtedly be found out at some point so is it worth the risk?

One of the most important reasons for maintaining an honest approach is that if you are found you will most likely lose your job anyway. You could even be prosecuted for fraud as it’s actually against the law and one woman served a six months prison sentence for lying to get a job.

Even if you are not immediately rumbled and reach interview stage, if it then transpires that you’ve fibbed it can be a very embarrassing experience and not a great start to a working relationship. If you do get the job then your boss might not feel that you are completely trustworthy so this may hamper your efforts to prove yourself and progress. If you work in a very narrow field then news of this could extend to other companies and will ultimately make it harder for you to be considered for other roles elsewhere.

Also bear in mind that many positions require a CRB Check these days and so any unexplained absences at Her Majesty’s pleasure will be found out and any provision offer of employment might well be withdrawn if you have attempted to cover up or lie about anything. For more information, visit

Background checks are becoming more commonplace and some companies hire specialist firms to do this on their behalf. Do not over inflate your previous job title, even if you did complete tasks that were outside of your remit. A quick check with a former employer will expose this misdemeanor. If you continue the lie throughout the interview, your body language may well give you away. Recruiters can spot the signs of a candidate in discomfort and for most people, it’s almost impossible to cover these up.

Social media could also be your downfall. Recruiters not only rely on references these days and are far more likely to check your online status with sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Information seen here may well contradict what is on your CV so it’s better to be honest.

So you lie and you get the job but you might just be setting yourself up for failure anyway. What if your skills are just not up to the challenge? You will struggle and find the job tough so will most be likely feel miserable and on top of that, you will need to maintain that lie throughout your career. Cheaters never prosper although it might feel like they do for a period of time. Most people who lie will get discovered though and the fallout from that can cause disgrace and severe embarrassment.

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