
One of the most incredible natural features in the world the Rainbow is a visual treat and a welcome appearance as it means that there is sunlight coming after the rain. There is always the chance that a Leprechaun has hidden their pot of Gold at the end of one, although technically you’d have to be in Ireland for that one but it’s worth ago anywhere. How does the Rainbow occur and what stories are attached to it?

The vivid colours of the Rainbow are perfect for a website. To properly use them you’ll need the services of a Website Design Company Gloucester based or beyond. They can use that colour to create a bespoke site and the people at https://www.net9design.com/ can create that for you.

Rainbows are made via the process of sunlight refracting through rain drops. This refraction creates a spectrum fr colour that forms an arc across the sky. What our ancient answers made of that we can only guess but they did have some ideas that they got down in literature. In the Christian religion the Rainbow appears after the flood sent by God. Noah sees it and takes it as a sign that God would never destroy the world with water again. In Norse mythology the Rainbow was the bridge that connected realm of the living to that of the Gods in Asgard. In Colombia at the end of the rainy season offers are put out to the Rainbow God as they give thanks for the successful harvest.

One of the most hated Kings in England and Wales helps us to remember the colours whilst also celebrating his defeat at the same time. Richard Of York Gave Battle in Vain. ROYGBV shows the colours. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Violet. Richard of York was slain by a sword blow to the head, and then stabbed in the bottom so Hopefully he’s happy that his legacy to the country is that we use his total military defeat and loss of power to remember Rainbow colours and not all in vain.

The Arc Rainbow is not the only type. Atmospherically you can see a Rainbow in it’s true form, a complete circle. On the land they may see 2 Rainbows or a double arc. The first is a clearer, brighter arc with a secondary one above it. This one is not so clear, and it is in reverse colour order to the first. This is due to different sized raindrops that are falling. The high ones are dense and do not refract as clearly as the first. Rainbows do not need just raindrops. They can also form around waterfalls and places where water freely tumbles, such as Geysers, allowing sun light to pass through. Strangest is the Fog bow. This is an all-white bow that forms with very small droplets of water so that although they refract they don’t give off much in the way of colour and the spectrum thy produce is weak.

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