The Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine vertebral causing this has curves sideways as C or S. It is most common in adolescence, when growth is faster and it seems every body grows your account.
In some cases, it is not a serious or permanent problem , and you just have to control that it does not get worse in the following months and years, doing exercises to improve it , although in others it can cause growth problems , pains or mobility problems and are necessary corrective measures to avoid that the deviation go to more.
There are different types of scoliosis that should be known.
Congenital scoliosis
It occurs when due to developmental problems during pregnancy, one or more of the vertebrae of the baby do not form or do not do it correctly, which causes it to be born with the spine already deviated . It is often detected during ultrasounds before birth and is followed up to assess how serious the deviation is and if an operation is needed to correct it.
Early scoliosis
These are cases that occur during childhood , and sometimes are due to faster than normal growth and are solved over time, but it is necessary to maintain some vigilance if intervention is necessary.
Many times the deviation occurs without a known cause. Other times it comes from a previous growth defect that had not manifested until then. Within this age range, in the youngest scoliosis tends to affect children more, while in the older ones, it is more common in girls.
In some cases they will be put on a kind of brace , an orthopedic device that will help them maintain the correct posture and that their back grows straight, while in the more serious cases a surgical operation may be necessary to place some guides on the spine. so that it gradually reduces that abnormal curvature.
Idiopathic adolescent scoliosis
The adolescence is the most common time to develop scoliosis, a particularly difficult time to detect because communication between parents and children is not always smooth and there are few occasions when they are backless.
It is called idiopathic adolescent scoliosis in cases in which the spine deviates to the side and also turns slightly , causing a deviation of the rib cage. The adjective “idiopathic” is added because the cause of this deviation is unknown, although there seems to be some type of hereditary component. It is more common in girls than boys.
Depending on the case, the doctor may recommend the use of a corset or the need for a surgical operation to correct the deviation of the spine and prevent it from going further.
Adult degenerative scoliosis
There are also two types: on the one hand, degenerative scoliosis that appears at maturity due to previous back problems , and on the other the one that appears as the first back problem but also due to age and bone wear and tear. the discsthat are between the vertebrae and that serve as a cushion.
In these cases, the most common are non-surgical treatments: medications that relieve pain, exercises that improve posture and if physiotherapy is needed to help with general mobility.
Neuromuscular scoliosis
It is one in which the curvature of the spine is due to a neuronal disease that affects the nerves and muscles , and that ends up affecting the bones, which collapse forming a curve in the form of C. In these cases, the treatment of the disease must include a specific part for scoliosis, but this will be different in each case.
Kyphosis and lordosis
Some deviations from the column are a little different.
For example, Scheuermann’s disease is not exactly a type of scoliosis, but of kyphosis , since the column does not deviate to the right or left, but backwards , causing a kind of protrusion in the back. In this case, it is due to an unequal growth of the vertebrae , which is higher in the back than in the interior, adopting a wedge shape that prevents patients from putting their backs straight.
In other cases, there is a deviation of the column forward in the lumbar area for a similar reason.
It is unknown what causes this pathology, but there seem to be hereditary factors involved. As the types of scoliosis that affect children and adolescents, treatment may include the placement of orthopedic braces, such as a brace, to guide growth, and surgical operations to place guides along the spine when necessary.