5 questions to ask about your mobile marketing strategy

Google has just released the new version of its “ Mobile playbook “, the guide to guide companies in their mobile marketing strategies. As always, first recommended, gives clues to companies what is the most appropriate way of doing things and then after a while converts the recommendations of its algorithm and those brands that are not listed on the bandwagon watch their webs fall in results pages.

The mobile is a priority for the big search engine, has long been working in this field and proposing better solutions for companies to provide users with successful experiences on these devices. Over time, they are today tips, they will become penalty for those who do not follow them.

It proposes to make the brands themselves five questions about their mobile marketing strategy also offering some answers as guidelines for improving it.

How Mobile affects the value proposition of the company?

According to statistics cited by Google, 94% of smartphone users look for local information on their devices, 51% visit the store that has consulted and 29% ends up buying. Location and mobile go hand in hand for the Internet giant.

So, the first and best way to potential customers end up buying is give them a gateway to business, ie, a good page or app optimized for can navigate seamlessly from their small screens.

The risk of this hyper consumer is precisely that use your mobile to practice showrooming and end up buying in competition. To avoid this, Google recommends digital brands working relationship with customers already have in store: QR offering discounted or opinions of other products that are on the shelves codes; or approximate what would be an online purchase, with similar advantages as shipping on the same day or the opportunity to book online and pick up in store purchase when ready.

What is the impact on digital mobile company goals?

You should create an optimized web or app? Google believes that both, but if it is to be prioritized one, which is the web adapted to mobile, especially in the case of e-commerce. 57% of users would not recommend a store with a poor mobile design and 40% of them would go to the competition after a bad experience buying from your smartphone.

Caring design optimization for mobile involves thinking about the use that the consumer will make our web: what you need, what to look for and how we can make it as easy as possible, considering that is likely to be in a phase more advanced funnel that anyone who connects from a desktop computer.

Is the company is adapting to mobile?

To ensure that there is someone within the company that leads the process of adaptation to mobile, Google suggests appoint a person or a team that is responsible transversely to accelerate the process in all layers of the company.

How to adapt to the mobile marketing strategy?

We return to the ubiquity of mobile. It is always accessible to users and even with other devices around it, 68% use it to search while at home.

Google suggests therefore study very well where, when and how close we are to the consumer when searching. Depending on its location and proximity and time of day you connect, we must redefine the strategy most appropriate marketing. And evaluate their performance in terms of conversion, meaning that not only the simple purchase, but also other actions that have a high value for the company, such as phone calls, visits to the store or downloading applications.

How to connect with multi-screen audiences?

90% of users use multiple devices to complete a task and in the case of electronic commerce, these customers start buying on your smartphone, which reveals the importance of the mobile version is optimized. For Google this is the first screen, not the second. We must begin by improve and optimize marketing strategies linked to them since, according to their statistics, 84% of multiscreen experiences includes a mobile.

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