How to Maximise Results from Your Website

Your company’s website is like a window into your business as a whole. Therefore, it is absolutely vital that it is well designed and gives the right impression to prospective clients. It gives you a chance to really showcase the products and services that you offer and will be one of the most important marketing tools at your disposal.

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According to the BBC, the UK carries out more online purchases than any other major economy. They point out that 13.5 per cent of all retail purchases were carried out online in 2010. This figure underlines the importance of getting your internet marketing strategy right.

Make Sure Customers Can Find Your Website

Your website needs to be user-friendly and appealing to visitors in order to secure the maximum amount of new business. But of course none of these important factors will help if you are not actually receiving a steady stream of visitors to your site, so it’s crucial to maximise the traffic coming your way. This exercise in attracting visitors is called Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO. According to the Guardian, SEO can significantly raise your company’s internet profile.

Although search engine technology is fast-moving and will change fairly frequently, there are several abiding principles which you should be aware of. One of the most important ways to ensure that your website will feature high up in the search engine results is to make sure that it is updated regularly with fresh and relevant content. Websites which remain unchanged for extended periods of time are likely to slip down the rankings rather quickly.

Keywords are also an essential part of search engine optimisation. These keywords and phrases should be relevant to the type of customers you are trying to attract and should reflect the terms they are likely to use in their searches. You can then ensure that these words and phrases are incorporated throughout your website in order that the “spider” software used by the search engines to trawl the web will pick up on them.

Common SEO Mistakes

There are a few common mistakes that people make with search engine optimisation, so it certainly pays to be aware of the pitfalls. New sites in particular can tend to have issues with duplicate content, which will be excluded by Google for this reason. Another common error is to include content which hasn’t been linked to or which can’t be crawled by the search engines.

Professional SEO Services

Driving as much traffic as possible to your website is so important to the success of your business that many companies both large and small will choose to call in expert help.

Of course SEO is just one form of digital marketing, if your business is looking for help with marketing or to get more from your website you could contact Google App consultant
A professional service to deal with your Search Engine Optimisation and website management needs can be a really worthwhile investment, and it can make all the difference to your marketing campaign.

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