Have you ever dreamed of living by the sea?

For many couples, divorcees, widows, widowers and singletons, the dream of living by the sea is high on their bucket-list of things to do before they die. The sound of the ocean washing onto the shore, the soft sand between their toes and the moonlit walks along a beautiful beach is a longing that pulls many to its locations.  From Cornwall to Scotland there are stunning seaside locations to choose from.  Remote villages, with only a few homes, to small towns with a few hundred families or larger towns with a bigger population the choice is yours.

If you want to enjoy a calm and peaceful life then pick a location that doesn’t attract too many tourists in the summer, or your quiet life could be disrupted by hoards of screaming children and foreign visitors. If you enjoy sailing and other water-based sports, then maybe a location with a harbour and access to boats could be an ideal place for you. Maybe, think out of the box and look at Park Homes Gloucestershire, maybe this could be your new home.  More of a countryside retreat than a coastal haven, Gloucestershire has stunning scenery and plenty of idyllic areas to choose from. Contact a company such as http://www.parkhomelife.com/our-parks/orchard-park-homes-gloucester-gloucestershire/  and look at options for various sites.

Maybe you could enjoy the best of both countryside and coastal locations?  There are various places located around England where you could enjoy walking through the cool woods with a carpet of snowdrops under your feet and then finding yourself coming out of the trees onto a beautiful, warm golden beach. The proximity of a town or village could be something for you to think about.  Somewhere to buy a daily paper and essential provisions as well as getting together with other residents so you don’t feel too isolated. These are things that you need to think long and hard about before making the decision to follow your dream. What about family and friends? Will you still be able to see them, and would they be able to visit you?  The decision to move away from loved ones is massive and not to be taken lightly or on a whim.  If you have thought everything through, talked to family, consulted your financial advisor, and decided you are going to move then start looking for that perfect property for you.

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