Going to a gym is usually synonymous with healthy living habits , but unfortunately many times people’s bad habits can make that search for a healthy life become a headache, and sometimes the lack of hygiene Some users may cause us to get certain bacteria or fungi .
But this does not mean that gyms are a place that we should avoid. Simply that we maintain adequate hygiene measures such as washing our hands after using the services , the use of personal flip-flops in the shower or drying the sweat of the banks or machines that we use are measures that will avoid the risk of contagion .
Human papilloma virus
When we talk about Human Papillomavirus (HPV) we are really talking about a group of viruses that are agglutinated under this name (there are more than 2000 different types), and it is the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the world .
Although the most common form of transmission of HPV is through sexual intercourse , it is true that in a small percentage of cases the form of transmission, speaking of the environment of a gym, could be related to the lack of hygiene and sweat , especially on the banks of the bodybuilding area (which as a general rule people either do not wear a towel or do not dry their sweat) or on the saddles of bicycles: sweat + perspiration = risk of infection. The solution: better hygiene on the part of everyone.
One of the peculiarities of HPV is that in a high number of cases, the person does not even know that he suffers or has suffered, since the most frequent types usually do not present symptoms. In other cases, this virus can cause the appearance of warts and, in the most serious cases, can cause the appearance of certain types of cancer.
Although there is no cure for HPV, there are a number of guidelines that we can adopt in case of suffering from it (apart from the use of contraceptives in the case of sexual intercourse or adequate hygiene measures in the gym in terms of sweating refers to how to use a towel and dry surfaces that we use) and there are even vaccines that can help us prevent high-risk types of HPV.
The most common areas of a gym where we can get fungus usually as a rule the rooms of machines, appliances and bathrooms (showers and toilet bowls mainly).
In the area of the showers, the high degree of humidity of the same is the preferred medium for fungi to proliferate , so wearing flip flops when we shower will reduce the chances of infection.
In contrast, in the machine room and weights, the main culprit of the contagions that may occur is, again, the lack of hygiene of people : sweat and not wash their hands when we return from the bathroom are two of the main factors responsible of it.
Staphylococcal infection
While there are more than 30 different types of staphylococci, the most common is usually ” Staphylococcus aureus “, responsible for, among other infections such as skin infections (such as pimples or boils), pneumonia or food poisoning .
Although they usually do not have complications, if the infection were of sufficient severity, the bacteria could reach the bloodstream and, with this, provoke a septicimia, whose consequences could be extremely serious.
As a general rule, these types of infections are usually treated by administering antibiotics .
The folicutlitis is the infection that occurs when hair follicles (the part of our skin that helps hair growth ), becomes infected with bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus is usually the most common bacteria causing this infection). The main symptom by which we can recognize this infection is the formation of small white granitesaround one or more of these hair follicles.
Depending on the type and severity of folliculitis, treatment may vary. In any case, it must be prescribed by a doctor. Some of the existing types and treatments are:
- Staphylococcal folliculitis : the most common treatments are usually the use of topical or oral antibiotics (we insist again on the importance of being a doctor who prescribes it) and the shaving of the affected area while we carry out the treatment and until the infection disappears.
- Folliculitis due to Pseudomonas (tub folliculitis) : it is one of the mildest that can occur, and it will rarely need a specific treatment, although the doctor could prescribe a medication to treat the itching caused by this type of folliculitis.
- Pseudofolliculitis of the beard : the main treatment for this type of folliculitis is reduced to an adequate personal hygiene habits, thanks to which the symptoms usually disappear.
- Folliculitis pityrosporum : in this case, the use of antibiotics can worsen the situation, so the most effective treatment will be the use of oral or topical antifungals.
- Eosinophilic folliculitis : in case of extremely serious infections of this type, the doctor can send us a treatment consisting of the use of oral corticosteroids, but we must know that the use of steroids can have repercussions if it occurs for long periods of time, for what this treatment should be short.
Colds and flu
Possibly one of the most common infections or diseases that we can get in a gym(and anywhere else). Regardless of whether or not we wear a towel (which should always be worn), in a gym we are continually touching objects and surfaces that have previously been touched by countless people, and since a 100% sterilized environment is impossible , it will be one of the main infections
In addition, although we are the only ones that before taking a bar or dumbbell we clean it with our towel and dry the bench before using it, “thanks” to the ventilation systems of the current gyms, the viruses released in coughs and sneezes have a magnificent means of transport and disseminate throughout the gym.
Perhaps this name does not sound like this infection, but it is one of the most common that we can suffer in the nails of our feet , and that is usually caused by bacteria such as candida or fungi of the branch of molds. The main measure we can adopt to avoid this infection is to maintain proper personal hygiene and, of course, take shower slippers to the gym, to avoid walking barefoot on the floor of the changing rooms and in the showers .
The main environments in which this infection can appear are those in which there is a certain degree of humidity, a medium in which these fungi and bacteria develop and reproduce more easily , so that they may also suffer from people who do not go to gyms or swimming pools, work with footwear that promotes foot moisture (hence personal hygiene , we point out again, is so important to prevent these infections).