One of the most important tasks we should all perform from time to time and not just once a year is to create a back up of our archives. It is better to prevent than not to walk crying in the corners when something unexpected happens and we lose that important document or those irreplaceable photos full of memories.
If you have already installed Windows 10 along with the other more than 400 million people around the world, it is good to know that the operating system has an ultra simple tool so that you create a backup in a few steps and quickly. So, you have no excuse not to take a few minutes of the day before 2016 to protect your information.
The first thing you need is a removable medium in which to store your backup. Yes, you can use a pendrive, but it is not recommended, they are often lost and damaged easily, but it is your decision. A portable hard drive is a better alternative.
Connect the device to your computer and then press the Windows + I key to open the Settings panel. Choose the Update and Security section and then in the menu options on the right, click on * Backup.
There you will find something called “Backup with File History“. This lets you create a very convenient backup of your files that will allow you to restore them if the originals are lost, deleted or damaged for any reason.
Click on “Add a unit”, wait for the system to find the available ones and select the one you want to use from the list. This will enable automatic backup of your files, but nothing more. Now you must click on “More options” to choose to create a backup immediately.
From the new options window you can choose how many backups are made, how long they are kept, choose the folders that will be backed up and exclude those that are not of interest to you. Click on “Back up” to start the process for the first time.
The process will take more or less time depending on the number of files, and the speed of your storage devices. If you have lots of data and only USB 2.0 ports, be prepared for a long time.
When you want to restore the backups made, you can do it from the same options panel and because there is support for file history, you can do it by returning each document to the same place where it was.